Dragon Quiz

Dragon Quiz

If you can answer all of the following questions correctly, the next date that Trusted will be offered for free will be revealed...

The answers to all the questions can be found on Wikipedia.

1. Where does the English word “Dragon” come from?
a. The Greek term meaning “dragon, serpent of huge size, water-snake”
b. The Latin term meaning “lizard of unusual size, giant snake, flying serpent”
c. The Roman term meaning “fire breathing monster, run for your life”

2. What are the two cultural traditions of dragons?
a. Western and Eastern
b. Modern and Mythical
c. European and Chinese

3. When did dragons start to be depicted with legs?
a. Yesterday
b. They always have
c. During the Middle Ages

4. What is a dragon like creature with wings but only two legs usually referred to as?
a. Dragonite
b. Wyvern
c. Funny

5. Which dragons are most often depicted as giant snakes (rather than having wings)?
a. Chinese Dragons
b. European Dragons
c. None of the Above

6. Narratives about dragons often involve them being killed by what?
a. Accident
b. Heroes
c. Water

7. According to German legend, what happens to skin or armor that is bathed in dragons blood?
a. It turns red.
b. It bursts into flame.
c. It becomes invincible.

8. According to Claudius Aelianus, Ethiopia was inhabited by a kind of dragon that hunted what?
a. People.
b. Elephants.
c. Mice

9. Russian dragons usually have heads in multiples of what number?
a. 2
b. 3
c. None of the above.

10. The Persians believed that the baby of a dragon would be the color of what?
a. The father's wings.
b. The night sky.
c. The mother's eyes.

11. Chinese tradition has the dragon composed of how many different animals/forms?
a. 7
b. 9
c. 100

12. Japanese dragons are usually depicted as what kind of deities?
a. Fire
b. Earth
c. Water

13. What genre of modern literature usually has dragons?
a. Fantasy
b. Science Fiction
c. All of them

14. What animal is speculated to have been the origin of the myth of dragons?
a. Spitting Cobra
b. Albatross
c. Rhino

15. What do many believe the early cartographers used the phrase “Here there be dragons” to show on their maps?
a. Fun places to visit.
b. Actual sightings of dragons.
c. Dangerous places.

Congratulations. Book 2 will be free on Kindle the 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 27th of January 2015.