
When a young person studies under an adult to learn their craft. Those who are not first borns, or have a low social status, usually must complete an apprenticeship in order to have a craft that they can use to support themselves.
A box or building where dragon breeders keep the dragons that have clutches of eggs. The mother dragons are brought into the brooder to lay their eggs and remain there until the eggs hatch.
Burn Salve
A medicine made with burn wort that is used to help burns heal faster.
Burn Wort
A plant that grows in wet places, for example near rivers and streams, that is used to make a burn salve.
(For example the third or seventh circle.) An organizational unit in the Dragon Kind’s government. The inner, or first, circle is the highest. The first three circles compose the dragon council which makes most of the governing decisions for dragons. All dragons belong to one circle or another.
Code of the Dragon Kind
The laws by which the Dragon Kind live. The code is long and complicated, it is the inner circles responsibility to ensure that the code is up held by all Dragon Kind and that those who violate it are punished appropriately.
Dragon Breeder
Someone who breeds dragon usually on a dragon ranch.
Dragon Flyer
Also a "Flyer." A flying contraption pulled by a dragon. The dragon is connected to a passenger basket by cables called tow lines. Roughly one third of the way between the dragon and the passenger basket sits the handler in an area called the perch. The handler controls the dragon using leather cords called reins. Passengers, luggage, cargo and the kiter ride in the passenger basket. The sails, called the kite, are connected to the passenger basket by cables called the kite lines. The kiter uses ropes called the rigging to control the kite. The kiter usually stands near the front of the passenger basket facing backwards. The kiter and the handler communicate with each other using a series of shortcut commands that usually consist of a single sound. Together the dragon, kiter, and handler are called a team.
A dragon hand is like a stable boy for dragons. They assist dragon grooms and the stable owner in caring for the dragons housed there.
Dragon Hunter
A person who hunts wild dragons. They also lead safaris for the rich and influential to going hunting for dragons.
Dragon Kind
The "wise" or intelligent dragons term for themselves. The Dragon Kind are thought to just be wild dragons by the human.
Dragon Knight
A knight who has acquired special training to ride on and utilize dragons during battle. Only the wealth and influential have the means to become dragon knights (or send their children to train as dragon knights).
Dragon Knight Squire
A dragon knight in training.
Dragon Lanterns
Paper lanterns in the shape of a circle and usually red in color. Used for special celebrations. Also could refer to the lighted orbs the dragons use in caves and tunnels.
Dragon Mines
The "mines" are a series of long tunnels under the dragon city. They were originally formed to mine precious metals and stones from the mountain to trade with men. However, in recent years there has been a movement to dig a tunnel under the mountains and the Helath forest in order to provide a way for dragons to approach human villages without being seen.
When a human is assigned a name, usually by a very young dragon. This name usually consists of the persons given name and a word that describes how the dragon perceives the person.
Dragon Ranch
A place where dragons are breed, raised, trained, and sold. Usually they have a lot of land and are a little ways off from the closets village. Successful dragon breeders can be moderately wealthy.
Dragon Song
The distinctive call of a dragon. Each one is unique and some humans have learned to identify the song of dragons they work closely with. According to dragon lore – a dragons song embodies the pedigree and personality of the dragon.
Dragon Speak
What Renick, Thane and Lainey call the ability to speak with the Dragon Kind or each other in through their minds.
(Specifically in a dragon’s wing.) The joint near the center of the wing that allows the wing to fold.
An individual that handles a dragon. For example, on a dragon flyer team this individual directs or "drives" the dragon.
Healers usually tend to both humans and dragons alike. Those who specialize in dragons a lone are known as dragon healers. Those who deal only with humans are usually called doctors of physicians.
Healer’s Pouch
All healers carry a pouch that contains herbs and other necessities for treating wounds and applying their healer’s craft. Even trainee or apprentice healers carry one.
A person of status, meaning they either a land lord (own land that they rent to others to farm) – or they hold a title.
A special breed of dog used specifically for hunting. Mostly only the wealthy can afford to buy and keep them.
Inner Circle
The highest circle in the Dragon Kind’s government. They make the final decisions on anything that affects all of dragon kind.
The individual of a dragon flyer team that controls the kite.
Humans who are honored by being added to a dragon circle were magically marked to identify them as such. This was so that all Dragon Kind would know that they had been accepted into a circle and were to be treated as equals among the dragons.
Mountain Bred
(Or mountain breed) A classification of dragon. Mountain bred dragons are very good flyers but not have difficulty moving around on flat ground. They are also excellent climbers and have a thick hide. Their horns curl at the ends and males have a thagomizer, females do not.
A dragon hatchling that is rejected by its mother, usually because of a deformity.
Radius Bone
(Specifically a dragon’s bone.) The bone just below the elbow of a dragons wings.
Rogue Dragon
A dragon that has either escaped from its owner (domestic) or is not following the laws of the Dragon Kind.
A letter of the ancient dragon language.
A construction of sticks or pole used to cook meat (especially whole animals) over a fire. Consisting of two fork support sticks placed on either side of the fire pit and a roasting stick that is laid between them. The spit can be turned to allow for even cooking.
When a dragon or human has their name officially spoken in the Dragon Hall. The speaking of the name is infused with magic and a stone appears on the walls of the Dragon Hall in its proper place in one of the circles.
When a dragon (or human) has broken the Code of the Dragon Kind and the offense is bad enough, their name is stricken from the dragon hall.
The clump of spikes at the end of a dragons tail. What gender has, or does not have a thagomizer varies between the different varieties of dragons.
Trusted Circle
A special circle consisting of one or more dragons, and one or more humans. This circle was for humans that were deemed most trustworthy by the dragons and it was a way of honoring them.
Way Station
A clearing, building, or other dedicated location on a dragon flyer route. Designed as a safe place for the flyer to land and give dragons and passengers alike a rest. Usually only used on long journeys. Before when flyers and other dragon vehicles were heavier and more cumbersome – there were more way stations. However, new advances in the constructions of these crafts has lessened the need for them.
Wild Dragon
Dragon’s that have not been domesticated. They mostly live in uninhabited regions like the Helath forest and Thormic mountains.
The highest point on on horse, or a dragon that is down on all fours.